


186 2630 8316



Method of plasma incineration power supply

Plasma incineration power supply is an incineration method that uses plasma arc as a heat source to melt, refine and remelt metals. Sometimes its incineration objects can also be non-metallic materials. Plasma incineration belongs to an application branch of plasma in metallurgy, and it is also one of the main methods of special smelting technology. Plasma arc is different from free arc, it belongs to compression arc, the energy is highly concentrated, and the ionization degree is higher. It is formed by compressing the arc with a gas-passed plasma gun. The characteristic of plasma smelting is that the arc has ultra-high temperature and can effectively control the atmosphere in the furnace, so it is suitable for smelting active metals, refractory metals and their alloys.
2022/04/13 14:29:12 1773


Contact: Mr. Zhang 186 2630 8316

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Web: www.beijing-yifeng.com

E-mail: zhang2008haitao@outlook.com

Add: No. 203-13, Chengnan Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City

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